Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just a taste...

Sophia is a little over three and a half months old now, but it seems like she’s been here forever. We are going through lots of firsts with her, some good and some not so good. On the greater side of things, she’s had her first smile, along with her first giggle. On the other side, she’s dealing with her first ear infection (poor baby). I grow to love her more and more every day, much of that probably has to do with the fact that her personality comes out just a little more every day. We have so much more ahead of us to look forward too, and I’m excited to experience motherhood every way that it’s thrown at me.
I’ve developed a trend of taking steps backwards… Boyfriend, Baby, Own a Home, and get engaged. I’m so excited to start yet another chapter in my life, and planning the wedding/party that starts it all. I’m so blessed to have so many wonderful family members and friends to share this experience with, but even more so to have my very best friend and maid of honor by my side to help through the process! Let’s get this party started!

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